Branch venue
Xiangyu Chen(陈翔宇)

Dr. Chen is a professor of Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanoystems, CAS. He is selected as the Excellent Young Scholars by the National Science Fund, distinguished expert of Beijing, Youth Top-Notch Talents of Beijing, Star-up Project of Beijing Science and Technology, and member of CAS Youth Promotion Association. He is also a member of The Project Committee of the Japan Electrical

Engineering Association and a young editorial board member of journals such as Rare Metal, View, SmartMat, and The Innovation. Dr. Chen is mainly engaged in the research of polymer functional materials and nanoenergy devices, including the processing design and charge transfer mechanism of polymer dielectric materials, virtual reality technology and wearable sensors, intelligent deformable materials and devices, photocatalytic self-cleaning materials, etc. As the first author (and joint first author) and corresponding author, he has published more than 60 SCI-indexed research papers in Chem. Rev., Sci. Adv., Nat Common, EES, Adv Mater, Materials Today, etc. More than 50 of his articles have an impact factor greater than 15 and over 20 of his articles have been cited for 100 times.

